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What are the different uses for alkaline ionized water?

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What are the different uses for alkaline ionized water?

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11.5 pH: Alkaline Ionized Strong Water Uses


  • Drink 1/2-1 ounce of alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH before bedtime to help release melatonin for a great night's sleep.

2.      EYE WASH:

  • Rinse eyes with an eye cup.

  • Upon removing the eye cup from its packaging, soak in strong acid water (alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH) for 1 - 2 minutes to clean and disinfect.

  • Rinse the eye cup thoroughly with strong alkaline water (alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH).

  • Fill the cup, following package directions, with strong alkaline water (alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH).

  • Place cup firmly around one eye, keeping your eye open, tilt your head back and gently roll your eye as though you were attempting to look up, down, and from side to side.  Continue this for approximately 1 minute.

  • Now that you have completed one eye, toss the water away.

  • Rinse the eye cup thoroughly with strong acid water (alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH) and repeat the same steps for your other eye.

  • To maintain healthy eyes, follow this protocol 1 - 3 times per week.

  • When working to improve any eye condition, follow this protocol at least 2 times daily and up to 10 times per day.


  • Spray alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH as needed to soothe and heal eye.


  • Spray on eyes to dissolve and remove makeup.

5.      PUFFY EYES

  • Spray on to eyes to reduce puffiness.

6.      HOT BATH SOAK:

  • Use one gallon of alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH added right at the end of filling the tub.

  • This replaces Epsom salts or any other remedy.

  • This works even better if you have the Anespa Home Spa from Enagic.


  • Use as a nasal wash when sinuses are plugged.

  • Due to the reduction in inflammation of nasal passages this technique can also reduce snoring.


  • Spray or soak areas with towel soaked in alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH and keep wet by adding small amounts of alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH to the towel for a minimum of 30 minutes twice a day.


  • Drink 1⁄4 cup fresh alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH immediately followed by 25 ounces of alkaline ionized water with 9.5 pH then do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes.


  • Since high alkalinity draws out acids, you can utilize alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH to soak in to “pull out” acids associated with inflammation, injury, and pain.


  • Alkaline ionized water with 9.5 pH can help prevent hangovers by drinking several ounces straight.

  • As soon as feel migraine coming on, drink several ounces straight of alkaline ionized water with 9.5 pH.


  • Drink alkaline ionized water with 9.5 pH water with chemotherapy.

  • The benefits are that side effects are lessened, it reverses metabolic acidosis.

  • The antioxidants are good for any point on chemotherapy.

  • Put alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH on the skin twice a day for burns from chemotherapy.


  • Drink as much alkaline ionized water if you feel a stroke coming on to provide potent alkalinity to overcome severe acidosis.


  • Soak fruits and vegetables in alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH for a minimum of 5 minutes to clean off oil-based pesticides.


  • Use alkaline ionized water to make ice for use with acidic drinks to reduce the amount of acidity consumed.


  • Soak rice, beans, or legumes for 5 to 10 minutes in alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH, and rinse clean with low flow alkaline ionized water with 9.5 pH.

17.  MEATS

  • Soak all meats for 5 - 10 minutes in alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH for cleaning and tenderizing.


  • Use 1 - 2 quarts of alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH per load in place of laundry soap.

  • Works beautifully for greasy smells on fast food restaurant work clothes.


  • Use alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH as a degreaser for any type of cleaning.

  • Clean oil-based stains by soaking the area and letting sit for 10 - 20 minutes.

  • Blot out of carpets and wash laundry stain as mentioned in step 18.


  • Clean with a scratch pad.

  • Alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH replaces 409 cleaner when dissolving grease and grime in kitchen.

  • Alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH can be used (instead of Drano) for clogged sinks and bathtubs.


  • Alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH can be used to soak and polish silver.


  • After using oil base paints for do it yourself (DIY) projects use alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH to clean up.

  • Alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH removes greasy, gooey, gummy, and sticky problems.

2.5 pH: Alkaline Ionized Acidic Water Uses


  • Pre-rinse all fruits, vegetables and meats and let sit for one minute in alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH before soaking in alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH.

  • This will kill all microbes and will kill Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and infections.


  • Use alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH for disinfecting anything.


  • Use alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH in place of antibacterial soap.


  • To stop arm odor simply mist with alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH strong acid water.

  • If you tend to sweat a lot keep a small spray bottle in your purse or desk drawer for occasional usage throughout the day.


  • Use alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH to clean hard water spots off chrome and rust off metal.


  • Spray skin and neck (not eyes) with alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH and rub skin upward until dry.

  • Finish with beauty water to tone skin.


  • Wait one minute after brushing and then rinse with alkaline ionized water with 9.5 pH water for 30 seconds to restore the natural pH.

  • This procedure will prevent or resolve periodontal disease, thrush, and avoid root canals.

8.      VOMITING

  • To stop vomiting take 1-2 Tbsp of alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH.


  • Alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH kills bacteria and pathogens.

  • Use it on cuts and scrapes to help stop bleeding.

  • Clean wounds with alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH twice daily until healed.


  • Spray alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH in nose 2x / day for 2 days.

  • Wait two minutes, then flush your nose with alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH.


  • Spray alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH twice a day on your nails.

  • Soak your feet or other areas of body in alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH to restore skin hydration.


  • Spray infected eye with alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH several times throughout the day to clear up.


  • Gargle alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH 3-4x / day until symptoms clear.

  • Put alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH in a spray bottle, and spray into throat 3-5x / day until symptoms clear.


  • Spray alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH on infected area as often as needed.

  • Will slow down itching and dry up poison ivy much quicker.


  • Spray or gargle alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH to help heal fever blisters and cancer sores.


  • If you see something abnormal on your skin consult a doctor first.

  • If condition is minor soak a gauze pad on a band aid with the alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH and apply over the affected area of the skin.

  • Change the band aid at least once a day. This process requires 30 - 60 days before seeing results.

7.0 pH: Alkaline Ionized Clean Water Uses


  • Drink with meals only if necessary.

  • Use for making baby formula.

  • Drink with fast dissolving medication.

6.0 pH: Alkaline Ionized Beauty Water Uses

*pH is similar to rainwater* 


  • Clean face twice a day with alkaline ionized water with 6.0 pH.

  • Spray after cleaning with alkaline ionized water with 6.0 pH.


  • Spray hair after showering with alkaline ionized water with 6.0 pH to condition your hair.

  • Try not to use conditioner of any kind as this coats the hair.

3.       TONE SKIN

  • Use alkaline ionized water with 6.0 pH as final rinse in shower or bath to tone and firm skin.


  • Spray alkaline ionized water with 6.0 pH on skin to soothe and heal rashes, including diaper rash.

5.      PETS

  • Bathe pets with alkaline ionized water with 6.0 pH for more lustrous pet coats.

6.      PLANTS

  • Water indoor and outdoor plants with alkaline ionized water with 6.0 pH for vigorous growth.

  • This method can even revive dying plants.


  • Use alkaline ionized water with 6.0 pH to boil eggs and pasta.


  • Spray alkaline ionized water with 6.0 pH on foods before freezing including fish and shrimp to prevent these foods from losing their flavor.


  • For washing and preparing fruits and vegetables containing anthocyanins: plums, grapes, cherries, strawberries, red cabbage, eggplant, soybeans, asparagus, etc.


  • Use one gallon per load of alkaline ionized water with 6.0 pH in laundry rinse cycles.


  • Clean eyeglass lenses with alkaline ionized water with 6.0 pH.


  • Replace all window and mirror cleaners with alkaline ionized water with 6.0 pH.


  • Use alkaline ionized water with 6.0 pH for polishing and house cleaning.

  • Can be used on hardwood floors and ceramic tiles.

8.5-9.5 pH: Alkaline Ionized Drinking Water Uses 

1.      SOUPS

  • Cook all soups with alkaline ionized water with 9.5 pH water.

2.      STIR FRY

  • Stir fry with alkaline ionized water with 9.5 pH to steam.


  • Drink alkaline ionized water with 9.5 pH before you snack and before meals.

  • Then wait thirty minutes to eat a meal or if still hungry eat a snack.

4.      GREY HAIR

  • Can help return your original hair color.

5.      VISION

  • Use alkaline ionized water with 9.5 pH in your eyes to help improve eye vision.


  • Drinking the alkaline ionized water with 9.5 pH water over time can improve the condition of spider veins due to cellular level repair.


  • Put any herb like rosemary, lavender, lemongrass, or grapefruit in a spray bottle filled with alkaline ionized water with water and let set for a couple of hours.

  • Use as a spritzer in your house for aromatherapy and an air freshener.

Additional Skin Condition Remedies:


  • Rinse with alkaline ionized water with 11.5 pH (e.g. strong alkaline water) to remove excess oils from the skin.

  • Cleanse with non-soap cleanser and alkaline ionized water with 4 - 6 pH mild acidic water.

  • With a cotton swab dab alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH (e.g. strong acidic water) on any active blemishes or broken skin.

  • Tone with alkaline ionized water with 4 - 6 pH mild acidic water in a glass bottle with a fine spray mister.

  • Repeat morning and bedtime.

  • Tone multiple times per day to keep skin well cleaned and hydrated.


  • Cleanse with non-soap cleanser and alkaline ionized water with 4 - 5 pH mild acidic water and pat dry.

  • With a cotton swab dab alkaline ionized water with 2.5 pH strong acidic water on any broken skin and let dry.

  • Hydrate the skin with alkaline ionized water with 4 - 6 pH mild acidic water in a glass bottle with a fine spray mist setting.

  • Repeat steps 1-3 after each diaper change.

Diaper rash begins with urine and feces that are too acidic. To prevent diaper rash, begin by making certain that your baby is properly hydrated with alkaline ionized water with 8.5 - 9.5 pH alkaline drinking water.  Next replace baby wipes with a container filled with soft cloths or unbleached paper towels and mild acidic water.  Use this to cleanse diaper area each time you change your baby, pat dry and then apply a very fine mist to the skin. This assists in keeping the pH of the skin balanced.

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What is molecular hydrogen and why is it beneficial?


What is molecular hydrogen and why is it beneficial?

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What is Molecular Hydrogen (H2)?

Molecular Hydrogen (H2) is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that is the lightest element in the universe. It is also the most abundant element in the universe, making up about 75% of all matter. In the human body, molecular hydrogen is found in the cells, tissues, and organs.

Molecular Hydrogen (H2) is the primary component in electrolyzed reduced water or ionized alkaline water. This water can only be made with a high quality water ionizer. It was first reported as a free radical scavenger in 2007, and its benefits have been reported to help more than 170 human diseases (2019). All the diseases that Molecular Hydrogen helps occur as a result of an over production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) or free radicals. Molecular hydrogen acts as an efficient antioxidant to reduce oxidation in the body caused by free radical damage. H2 reduces oxidative stress by creating a balance in antioxidant defenses needed to neutralize reactive oxygen species. H2 also exhibits anti-inflammatory benefits for pain management in the body.

H2 preventative and therapeutic effects have been observed in various organs including the brain, heart, pancreas, lungs, liver, intestines, stomach, skin and eyes. H2 has been shown to penetrate the blood-brain barrier, bio-membranes and effectively reaches the cell nuclei. H2 also downregulates the expression of pro-inflammatory and inflammatory cytokines. Cytokines are a broad and loose category of small proteins important in cell signaling. Cytokines are peptides and cannot cross the lipid bilayer of cells to enter the cytoplasm. Cytokines have been shown to be involved in autocrine, paracrine and endocrine signaling as immunomodulating agents. H2 modulates signal transduction within and between many pathways and upregulates the expression of anti-apoptotic factors. Anti-apoptotic is the prevention of apoptosis, and apoptosis is a type of cell death in which a series of molecular steps in a cell leads to its death.

Oxygen becomes a free radical (Active Oxygen or OH-) when it loses its electron balance. This happens because of oxidation in the body. H2 scavenges for and neutralizes hydroxyl ions (OH-) and peroxynitrite ions (ONOO-). These specific ions are very strong oxidants that cause DNA fragmentation, lipid peroxidation, and protein inactivation when they react with nucleic acids, lipids, and proteins. By scavenging and neutralizing these ions H2 helps to prevent DNA damage. At the same time H2 does not attack good radicals in the body, and it will never act as a poison to the body. H2 simply neutralizes these radicals by turning them into harmless water for the body to use without any byproducts or harmful waste produced.

How Does Molecular Hydrogen (H2) Work as an Anti - Inflammatory?

When the body is inflamed, it is a response to injury or infection. The inflammation is a way for the body to protect itself and heal. However, sometimes the inflammation can become chronic and lead to diseases such as arthritis, cancer, and heart disease. Molecular hydrogen has been shown to be an effective anti-inflammatory agent against these diseases, and it has the potential to be a powerful tool in the fight against inflammation.

Numerous publications exist on the biological and medical benefits of molecular hydrogen. It was found that H2 reduces oxidative stress not only by direct reactions with strong oxidants, but also indirectly by regulating various gene expressions. Moreover, by regulating the gene expressions, H2 functions as an anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic, and stimulates energy metabolism.

In one study, molecular hydrogen was shown to reduce inflammation in a mouse model of colitis. The mechanism by which molecular hydrogen acts as an anti-inflammatory is not fully understood, but it is thought to involve the ability of molecular hydrogen to selectively reduce the production of reactive oxygen species that can damage cells and lead to inflammation.

Best Way to Consume Molecular Hydrogen (H2)

Two of the most common ways to consume molecular hydrogen is by inhalation or oral consumption. water. Drinking hydrogen water is convenient, easily administered, safe, efficient, low cost and safe. The benefits of hydrogen water or ionized alkaline water are long-lasting and will neutralize free-radicals for days after consuming it. It is important to remember hydrogen in water will dissipate when exposed to oxygen and its best to consume it within 48 hours after its made. Inhaling hydrogen gas produces rapid effects but this delivery method is not practical for daily preventive therapy. Due to safety concerns, H2 concentrations and dosages must be strictly controlled when taken by inhalation. The benefits of hydrogen gas only last a few hours after inhalation. For these reasons the best way to consume molecular hydrogen is ionized alkaline water produced by a water ionizer.

Differences Between Tap Water and Water Infused With Molecular Hydrogen (H2)

Tap water is not the same as hydrogen water. Tap water is usually city treated or well water which may contain additional contaminants such as dust, sediments, lead, chlorine, chloramine, fluoride, heavy metals, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pharmaceuticals and microplastics. Tap water is treated with disinfectants and chemicals to make it as safe as possible for human consumption when it reaches your home. Health issues may occur when you drink tap water long term. Hydrogen water is water that has been infused with hydrogen gas and may be filtered if it has been produced by a high quality water ionizer.

There are a few key differences between hydrogen water and tap water. Hydrogen water is said to be more effective at hydrating the body than tap water. This is because the hydrogen gas in the water helps to increase the absorption of water into the cells. In addition, hydrogen water is also said to be more alkalizing than tap water. This is because the hydrogen gas helps to neutralize the acidity in the body. Finally, hydrogen water is also said to have more antioxidant power than tap water. This is because the hydrogen gas helps to scavenge free radicals in the body. Overall, hydrogen water is a healthier option than tap water. It is more effective at hydrating the body, more alkalizing, and has more antioxidant power.

What Diseases Does Molecular Hydrogen (H2) Help?

  • Alexander disease

  • Allergies

  • Alzheimer's disease and other dementias

  • Angina

  • Asthma

  • Atherosclerosis

  • Athlete's foot

  • Atopic dermatitis

  • Autoimune disorders

  • Bed sores

  • Bone Loss

  • Cancer (various types)

  • Cardio renal symptoms

  • Cataracts

  • Cerebral hemorrhage

  • Chemo's negative side effects

  • Chrones disease

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Cirrhosis

  • Collagen disease

  • Colon diseases

  • Cystic fibrosis

  • Dehydration

  • Diabetes mellitus

  • Diabetic necrosis

  • Frontotemporal lobar degeneration

  • Glaucoma

  • Gout

  • Heart attacks

  • Heart disease or coronary artery disease,

  • HGC disorders

  • High blood pressure

  • Huntington's disease

  • Hypersensitive disorders

  • Hypertension

  • Inflammatory disorders

  • Ischemic brain injuries

  • Kawasaki's disease

  • Kidney disease

  • Liver disease

  • Lupus

  • Malaise

  • Metabolic syndrome

  • Muscle fatigue of athletes

Scientific Research on the Benefits of Molecular Hydrogen

Hundreds of studies show the benefits of consuming alkaline ionized water in helping the liver, gut, brain, heart, kidneys, eyes, cells, lungs, dental health, skin, aging and memory loss. Read and listen to the scientific research below to learn more about all the amazing benefits of molecular hydrogen!

Where Can I Purchase A Water Ionizer?

You can actually purchase a water ionizer directly from us. We have international shipping options available for those who do not live in the United States. If you need a flexible payment plan please contact us first, and we will be happy to walk you through what options are available depending on the water ionizer you like.


Unboxing Bluevua ROPOT Lite Countertop Reverse Osmosis System

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Unboxing Bluevua ROPOT Lite Countertop Reverse Osmosis System

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I bought this Bluevua's ROPOT Lite Countertop Reverse Osmosis (RO) System to be able to offer to our water customers a world class countertop RO system that produces excellent drinking water for years to come. We evaluate new systems, and if they pass our rigorous testing then we recommend them to our customers. This countertop RO system is perfect for people who want clean drinking water without having to do any special plumbing under their kitchen sink. It’s the perfect size and it looks nice on your counter. It will generate a lot of interest from your friends and family that see it, and you can take pride knowing you are helping the environment by not having to constantly buy bottled water.

I am absolutely thrilled to own Bluevua's ROPOT Lite Countertop Reverse Osmosis (RO) System.  This system is absolutely streamlined and elegantly designed. The dark blue color adds to the system’s elegance. It has curved, smoothed, and beveled edges which make it look like an expensive countertop RO system. System comes with a 1.2-liter borosilicate glass carafe and a glass infuser for making fruit infused water. Included are six different recipes for making fruit-infused water, and the system setup instructions are written well and easy to follow. This system is slightly smaller from Bluevua’s regular ROPOT system but is it still large enough to make enough RO water for an entire family of 2-3 people.  You simply plug it in, flush the six-stage single filter, and start making clean RO water for the entire family with no plumbing needed!

This countertop RO system has a single filter which has all six stages needed for producing high quality RO water.  The great thing about a single filter is that changing it is a breeze as opposed to the inconvenience of having to change six different filters on a tank RO system.  The first stage is 5-Micron Polypropylene Fabric to remove large particles like silt, sand, rust, and dirt.  The second stage is Coconut Shell Activated Carbon Filter to absorb chlorine and chloramine.  The third stage is a Food Grade RO Antiscalant to eliminate mineral scale to prevent the scaling and fouling of the RO filter membrane.  The fourth stage is a 1-Micron Polypropylene Fabric to remove smaller particles to further protect and extend the lifetime of the RO membrane.  The fifth stage is the Reverse Osmosis Membrane Filter to remove lead, arsenic, bacteria, virus, fluoride, pesticides, and 1000+ other harmful contaminants.  The sixth stage is a Post Carbon Filter to condition and further improve the taste of the water.

The ROPOT Lite RO system has a real-time filtered water quality indicator (e.g. real-time Total Dissolved Solids measurement).  There is a button on the LED interface to pick the volume of water to produce – 1.2L or 0.65L with a water volume indicator.  ROPOT Lite RO system has a filter life indicator, so you know when to change the ROPOT Lite water filter, and there is a manual flush button so you can flush the system when a new filter replacement is installed.

The first time you use the countertop system you need to clean the glass carafe and the water tank with hot water. To clean out the protective liquid in the four filters you need to fill the RO tank to the max level and run the water through the machine 4-6 times. After each time throw the water away in the carafe and repeat the process. During the first two rounds, the raw water in the tank will automatically be filled into the filters, therefore there may be no water coming out in this phase. For the first 3-5 rounds, it is normal that the pure RO water may turn black.

Using this countertop RO system will produce you drinking water with a Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) measurement between 5-15 parts per million (ppm) depending on your water source. This TDS level is the same as excellent quality drinking water you would pay for in the store that is created in a similar way through an industrial reverse osmosis process. Save your money, stop buying bottled water, and protect the environment by investing in the Bluevua ROPOT Lite Countertop Reverse Osmosis System.


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How to Clean Mineral Scale Buildup off Your John Ellis Water Machine


How to Clean Mineral Scale Buildup off Your John Ellis Water Machine

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Clean Mineral Buildup off Your John Ellis Water Machine

Following these instructions below to learn how remove calcium and magnesium mineral scale buildup from your John Ellis Living Water Machine. These instructions cover how to clean the mineral scale from the inner coil and all parts of the machine that are hard to clean. Make sure to watch both videos below for more information on the cleaning process.

Remove the heating element from your John Ellis water machine. You can identify the heating element because it’s the part of the machine that gets very hot and it has to be plugged directly into the wall. To remove the heating element, you need to unscrew the black nut that holds the heating element to the machine with an outer ring. If the heating element does not separate from the machine easily you can use a butter knife or flat head screwdriver to help pry it apart from the John Ellis water machine. If there is a lot of scale buildup, you will need to use extra force to pry the heating element apart from the John Ellis water machine. Remove the UV lights, faucet adapter, and remove all connected hoses from the John Ellis water machine.

Get a large storage container that you can fit the entire John Ellis Water machine in. Put one gallon of distilled vinegar in the storage container and 5-7 gallons of pure distilled water. You need to use enough distilled water to fully submerge the entire John Ellis water machine in the distilled water and distilled vinegar solution. Let the machine sit right side up for 6-12 hours in the solution so it has time to dissolve the mineral scale buildup in all parts of the machine — inner coil, heating element area, and inside the pot. After the first 12 hours remove the machine from the solution and clean all parts of it with a cloth or scrub it down to get additional mineral scale buildup off the machine. I have even used hard grain sandpaper to sand off the mineral scale buildup too after soaking in the solution. After the first 6-12 hours flip the machine over, and let it sit in the solution up-side-down for another 6-12 hours so you can dissolve mineral scale buildup where the UV lights plug in. See videos below for more details.


How to use a water softener with a water ionizer?

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How to use a water softener with a water ionizer?

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If you have a whole house water softener and you want to be able to use a water ionizer with your water softener you have a couple of different options to make this setup work. Read below to learn more about hard water, city water, well water, softened water, and using an ionizer with a whole house water softener.

What is hard water?

When rainwater falls it is soft water and completely void of minerals. When it is absorbed and flows into the ground the rainwater absorbs minerals like calcium and magnesium. Water that has a lot of minerals in it is considered hard water. Hard water is not harmful to your health, but it is not the best for your home. When hard ground water combined with heat flows through your pipes mineral scale buildup is left behind that can damage your appliances, pipes, and fixtures. The white buildup in the images below is mineral scale buildup, and it’s very hard to remove it without the use of acidic chemicals.

How is well water different from city water?

Some people who live in rural areas away from major cities may have a private well rather than water supplied and treated by a city municipality. Well water does not taste the same as city water, and it may even look and smell different and cause stains. City water is filtered and treated with disinfectants such as chlorine and chloramine. Fluoride and additional minerals (e.g. potassium and calcium) are also added. Well water is not treated with disinfectants, and it comes straight out of the ground. When you own a home with a private well, the safety and quality of the well water is the homeowner’s responsibility.

Well water is typically much harder water (e.g. more minerals) than city water since it comes straight from a well drilled into an underground aquifer. It may contain high amounts of iron which changes the taste of the water and causes hard to remove stains. Well water may contain naturally occurring Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) contaminants such as uranium, radon, and arsenic, which are dissolved in groundwater as it moves through soil and rock into underground aquifers. Irrigation water can carry nitrates down through the soil into groundwater, and nitrates pose a health risk to pregnant mothers and young children. Septic tanks located too close to a private well are another source of possible contamination. These are some of the reasons why testing well water yearly for contamination is important and why proper pre-filtration matters so much.

Typically to treat well water most rural homeowners will often use a water softener + reverse osmosis to remove hard water minerals - calcium, magnesium and iron, and remove VOC contaminants to make the water safe for drinking.

What does a water softener do?

A water softener removes calcium and and magnesium through a process called ion exchange. Calcium and magnesium ions are substituted with sodium ions. The calcium and magnesium stick to the water softener resin beads and are back flushed from the system with each water softener regeneration cycle which cleans the resin beads. Softened water prevents scale or mineral buildup in your pipes, water lines in kitchen appliances and washer, bathtubs, showers and sinks, fixtures and extends the life of your water heater. Other benefits are cleaner hair and softer skin, brighter and softer clothes, cleaner dishes and less time cleaning. Cold soft water also penetrates and dissolves better with soap which means more suds and a deeper lather for your body, clothes, and dishes. Softened water also helps prevent the loss of natural oils in your skin and hair.

As mentioned above water softeners remove mineral ions, but they do not remove contaminants such as bacteria or heavy metals like lead, mercury, or even iron. An excellent prefiltration system is also needed to reduce sodium and remove contaminants so you can drink the water.

Can I drink softened water?

Drinking softened water is not advised because of the high sodium (e.g. salt) content. Important minerals have been removed and substituted for sodium, and you already get more than enough daily salt intake from the food you eat. Americans consume on average about 3,400 milligrams (mg) of sodium per day. However, the dietary guidelines for Americans recommends adults limit sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg per day—that's equal to about 1 teaspoon of table salt!

Other considerations for how much salt is in your softened water completely depends on the hardness of your city or well water. The harder your water, the more sodium that is substituted for the minerals during the water softener ion exchange process.

How do I reduce the Sodium from a water softener?

There are different ways to get sodium out of your water. Some of the most popular ways are by using reverse osmosis system, by substituting potassium chloride for sodium chloride in your water softener, or by using simple distillation. Read more below to learn about each of these processes.

Reverse Osmosis (RO) is a mechanical process that drives a solvent across a semi-permeable membrane transferring it from a higher concentration of solute, to a lower concentration. This process will filter out unwanted molecules and large particles such as contaminants and sediments like chlorine, salt, and dirt from drinking water. You can use an RO system with remineralization to reduce the sodium (e.g. salt) of the softened water, and the remineralization step adds essential ionic minerals back in the RO water so this water can be used for pure drinking water or to make alkaline ionized water.


Potassium Chloride for water softeners is a low-sodium alternative to traditional water softener salts. They are made with with 99.1% pure potassium chloride, and these crystals contain low insoluble content to keep your water softener running smoothly. Potassium Chloride works in water softeners the same way that traditional water softener salt (e.g. sodium chloride) does by replacing hard water minerals through mineral ion exchange. The primary difference is that hard water minerals are replaced with potassium instead of sodium which is an essential ionic mineral in pure drinking water. This potassium chloride substitute will also help to make perfect alkaline ionizer water.


Simple Distillation is a process that involves the conversion of a liquid into vapor that is subsequently condensed back to liquid form. It is exemplified at its simplest when steam from a kettle becomes deposited as drops of distilled water is a on a cold surface. For example, if you distill sea water you can make purified drinking water because distillation will remove the majority of the salt (e.g. sodium) from the sea water. Distillation is also used to remove contaminants in water. When you heat the source water in the beaker the lower density steam rises and higher density particulates and contaminants ultra-concentrate at the bottom of the beaker and do not rise with the steam.

What system should I get with my water ionizer?

SOLUTION 1: If you have a whole house water softener and your GOAL is to have as many minerals in your source water with no additional plumbing and cost is not a problem use potassium chloride as a substitute for the sodium chloride in your water softener. Potassium Chloride is the easier solution but it’s going to be more expensive in the long run because each 40-pound bag is going to cost $30 - $40 each. You can put about 120 - 160 pounds of potassium chloride pellets in the water softener, and if you need 4 bags per month your monthly cost will be $160. Using potassium chloride will ensure your water has no addition salt added except for the salt that is naturally occurring in your source water. You do NOT need a reverse osmosis system, and your water ionizer will produce the best alkaline ionized water with the correct potential hydrogen (pH) levels infused with even more molecular hydrogen due to high mineral content (e.g. potassium, magnesium and calcium).

If you are still concerned about contaminants in your source water, and you do not have a pre-filter at or on top of your sink check out the world-class National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) certified Mutipure Aquaperform that can remove hundreds of contaminants from your source water including pharmaceuticals and microplastics.

SOLUTION 2: If you have a whole house water softener and your GOAL is to reduce the sodium and 1000+ contaminants in your water and use remineralization to add important minerals back in your water cost effectively then use a high-capacity reverse osmosis system with remineralization under your kitchen sink. You will want to use a high-capacity flow tankless RO system so the water pressure is high enough to flow water through your water ionizer quickly. You simply attach a remineralization cartridge / filter to the RO water line coming out from the RO system, and then you attach a water line to the output water line on the remineralization cartridge / filter and connect it to your clean water faucet. Once you have this done its easy to attach your water ionizer water in line to the clean water faucet head (see below).


Using this RO setup will add back in just the right amount of minerals for your water ionizer to work but the potential hydrogen (pH) levels will tend to be higher for alkaline water and lower for acidic water. For example, if you are making alkaline ionized water with the 9.5 pH setting on your water ionizer it will most likely be 10.3 - 10.75 pH. You can still drink this water, and if the higher pH causes any indigestion, it will be better to mix your alkaline ionized water with purified drinking water to reduce the pH to a level your body is used to. If you are making beauty water with the 6.0 pH setting on your water ionizer it will most likely be 3.0 - 3.8 pH. You can still use water for cleansing your face and skin hydration. In our own testing using a reverse osmosis system with remineralization has no effect on the amount of infused molecular hydrogen produced by your water ionizer when compared to source water with original minerals.

If you want to use an RO system setup you do NOT need to use potassium chloride in your water softener because the RO system will remove the potassium that was put into the water by the water softener.

What happens if I use softened water in my water ionizer?

If you use a water ionizer with softened water made with sodium chloride pellets the alkaline ionized water produced from the water ionizer will be ultra-concentrated with salt. You may not be able to taste it, but fair warning you don’t need additional salt in your alkaline ionized water because of the all the salt you get in your daily food intake. If you have high blood pressure you will be more sensitive to salt intake too. Furthermore, sodium chloride when ran through the ionization process can produce chlorine gases that are harmful to breathe and corrosive, and the added levels of sodium can also harm your water ionizer resulting in costly repairs.

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How do I fix the John Ellis Living Water Machine heater module?


How do I fix the John Ellis Living Water Machine heater module?

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How do I know if I need a brand new heater module?

Before paying for a new heater module you need to open it up to make sure all the wires are connected correctly. We have had heater modules where only one half of the module was getting hot, and when we opened it up we found a wire inside which was not connected all the way. After we connected it the heater module started working flawlessly. Don’t be afraid to get into the module, or find someone who is handy who can check it for you if you don’t feel comfortable doing it yourself.

If your heater module does not have any faulty wires after you opened it up and it continues to leak water, or it does not get hot anymore you will need to get a brand-new replacement. You will need to send a $300plus $20 shipping to the John Ellis Water Company to get a replacement heater module. You will have to be very patient (~ 1 - 2 months) to get a new heater module, and you will know your heater module has shipped after your check has been cashed. If your check has not been cashed yet that means the factory has not started building your new heater module. This is the single reason why we always encourage people to get proper prefiltration to protect your John Ellis Water Machine investment from the start so it will last for many years!

How do I fix a leaking heater module that still gets hot?

If your heater module still gets hot but is simply leaking due to really bad corrosion and pitting on the heaters in the heat module there is a good chance you can prevent the leaking following the instructions below.

Step 1: Purchase J-B Weld from Amazon or your local hardware store. JB Weld is a marine-grade epoxy that can be sanded once it has been cured. It is a good option for repairing boat hulls, decks, and other surfaces that are exposed to water.

Step 2: Combine the steel in the black tube with some of the hardener from the red tube and mix it together. You have 15 minutes to apply the mixed two-part epoxy. Use the stick to apply it to the areas on the heater module that are leaking, wipe off excess with the stick, and smooth as best as possible. Allow 4-6 hours for set time, and 15-24 hours for cure time. Do not plug in heater module or use it on the John Ellis Water Machine until cure time has passed and you have checked the heater module to make sure J-B Weld is dry and hardened.


Step 3: If you are going to sand the surface where you have applied the JB-Weld to the heater module be sure to use very fine grit sandpaper (around 400-600 grit) so that you don’t damage the weld. Here are the final images of what J-B Weld looks like after applying to the John Ellis Water Machine heater module successfully. Just to give you a comparison no sanding was done in the images below.

Step 4: Reattach the heater module to the John Ellis Living Water Machine, and let it run the heater module with the JB-Weld for 2 hours. Do not drink any of the water in the first two hours water is being made with the fixed heater module. After two hours check for any leaks around the heater module, and if you don’t have leaks, you will be good for making more John Ellis Water. If you want this do-it-yourself (DIY) fix to last for years make sure you check in with us on pre-filters to remove corrosive chemicals out of your source water.


John Ellis Living Water Machine limited warranty


John Ellis Living Water Machine limited warranty

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John Ellis Living Water Machine Limited Warranty (180 Days)

As a new John Ellis Living Water Machine owner it is very important to understand what contaminants and chemicals are in your source water. This is an excellent way to determine if you have very hard water full of minerals, or other contaminants higher than the recommended daily limit set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). You will also learn if you have chemicals present in your source water that can cause damage to your John Ellis Living Water Machine.

We have had many customers call us after the 180-day warranty period because their heater module broke due to leaking from corrosion or pitting or really bad mineral scale buildup in the heater module. It is important to follow the operational instructions closely to prevent damage to your machine and clean the machine of mineral scale on a regular basis if you are running very hard water through the machine daily.

This is the reason why prefiltration is so important to protect your machine investment. When you purchase a John Ellis Living Water Machine through us, we will give you all the research and information about corrosive chemicals in your source water and what pre-filter options are available, so your machine investment is protected from the start (see warranty details below):

Limited Warranty: Crystal Clear Distillers are warrantied for 180 days from the date of purchase against defects in materials and workmanship. This warranty does not cover conditions beyond our control, such as water conditions, improper usage or handling, excessive cleaning, negligence or failure to follow Operating Instructions. There will be no other warranties, expressed or implied, and no liability of any kind arising from the use of the product, whether defective or not. All returns are subject to a $250 return charge.

Please Note: The three most common causes of heater module failure are as follows: shutting off the water source to the machine during operation, failure to provide enough cooling water to the unit and buildup of mineral scale on heaters. Please take care to prevent any such damage to the unit.


What contaminants and chemicals are in my source water?


What contaminants and chemicals are in my source water?

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What chemicals and contaminants are in my source water?

Check the EWG TAP WATER DATABASE to check what contaminants are currently in your water for FREE using your zip code, so you understand what’s in your source water. This is an excellent way to determine if you have very hard water full of minerals, or other contaminants higher than the recommended daily limit set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

You will also learn about other source water contaminants which could cause damage to your John Ellis Living Water (LWM-5) Machine. If you decide to purchase a Living Water Machine through us, we will share all the knowledge we have about source water chemicals that can damage your machine and what kind of pre-filter you can use to get rid of those machine damaging chemicals, so you protect your investment for years to come!


What is acidity or acidosis of the body?


What is acidity or acidosis of the body?

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As we age we become more acidic. The body of most aged individuals is very acidic, loaded with toxic wastes in the blood stream, cells and lymphatic system. These acidic wastes come from many sources. If you were to keep your skin, muscles, organs and glands alkaline like they were when you were a baby, you would dramatically slow down the aging process.

Initial signs of body tissue acidity include:

  • Feeling weak, tired and having low energy

  • Experiencing agitation, anxiety, panic attacks and depression

  • Having skin problems like eczema, psoriasis, acne and hives

  • Suffering generalized aches and pain

  • Experiencing diarrhea, constipation or bloating

  • Suffering from cramping before or during periods

  • Experiencing heartburn

  • Needing more sleep

  • Having increased dental decay

  • Feeling nauseous

  • Suffering from loss of libido

Long term signs of body tissue acidity include:

  • Osteoporosis

  • Weak immune system

  • Chronic digestive problems

  • Arthritis, joint and ligament problems

  • Kidney stones, kidney diseases and gout

  • Heart and circulation problems

  • Fungal and bacterial infections

  • Cancers

  • Acidosis

Additional signs of high acidity in the body include:

  • Decrease the body’s ability to absorb minerals and other nutrients

  • Decrease energy production in the cells

  • Decrease the body’s ability to repair damaged cells

  • Decrease the body’s ability to detoxify heavy metals

  • Enable tumor cells to thrive

  • Make the body more susceptible to fatigue and illness.


What is alkaline water and the benefits of drinking it?


What is alkaline water and the benefits of drinking it?

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What is Alkaline Water?

Alkalinity or Alkaline Water is any water that has a pH (potential hydrogen) greater than 7.0. Pure distilled water has a neutral pH of 7.0, and it it is neither acidic or alkaline. Any water that has a pH less than 7.0 is acidic water. There are different types of alkaline water - store bought alkaline water, alkaline water produced by a water ionizer, and purified water made alkaline by adding mineral drops (salts + minerals + electrolytes) which raise the pH of your purified water above a pH of 7.0. Here are some examples of bottled alkaline water below:

These store bought alkaline waters have artificial additives (e.g. salts, minerals, electrolytes, etc) added to them so they can sit on a store shelf for weeks or months at a time without losing their alkaline pH. Some of the additives they use are sodium bicarbonate, dipotassium phosphate, magnesium sulfate and calcium chloride, and electrolytes for taste.

  • Many waters with a pH < 6.5 are acidic, soft, and corrosive. Sodium compounds like Sodium Bicarbonate (e.g. baking soda) are added during water treatment in order to raise the pH level of the water by chemically neutralizing the acidity as well as to soften the water. In raising the pH you also make the water alkaline.

  • Dipotassium Phosphate is used as a preservative and a flavor enhancer. This artificial type of salt is made from the elements sodium and phosphorus.

  • Magnesium Sulfate is an inorganic salt (e.g. Epsom salt). It is a naturally occurring mineral that is important for many systems in the body especially the muscles and nerves. Magnesium sulfate also increases water in the intestines and helps with constipation. It is added to water in a very small amount as a flavor enhancer.

  • Calcium Chloride is an inorganic salt used as an electrolyte in bottled water. Calcium chloride ingested in large amounts can cause health problems, but the trace amounts found in your water bottles is safe. They regulate fluid levels in the body, keep the blood’s pH level balanced and enable muscle contractions like the beating of your heart.

Drinking store bought alkaline water is costly, could contain residual amounts of microplastics and pharmaceuticals, contains additives that make the water alkaline by synthetic and artificial means, and all the plastic bottles are terrible for the environment, landfills and oceans. For these reasons we do not recommend for drinking store bought alkaline water. True alkaline water can be produced without additives or harming the environment using a water ionizer.

What Does A Water Ionizer Do?

A water ionizer uses a process called electrolysis to separate your source water into two streams - an acidic and an alkaline stream. The ionizer uses electrical current to artificially break the water molecule (H2O) into positive hydrogen atoms and negative hydroxide ions at a rate that far exceeds what happens naturally in nature. This machine contains both a positively charged electrode (e.g. anode) and a negatively charged electrode (e.g. cathode) in a bath of water. The electrodes are made out of solid titanium coated in platinum.

Titanium is harder than platinum and does not damage or lose shape easily. One of the most notable advantages of titanium is its strength. It's among the strongest and most durable metals on the planet, which is why it's used in so many industrial applications. In fact, titanium has the highest strength-to-density ratio of any metallic element on the periodic table, attesting to its benefits. Platinum metal holds up well under high temperatures, boasts stable electrical properties and is highly resistant to chemical attacks. Platinum does not tarnish or corrode and does not wear thin with usage. Platinum and Titanium will not leach particulates into water during ionization, and platinum is preferred during ionization for its ability to speed up electrolysis enabling real-time ionization of your source water.

After the electrodes break the water molecules apart, the water containing more hydroxide ions (OH-) and positive ions (such as calcium ions) is collected as alkaline water, and the water containing more positively charged hydrogen ions (H+) is collected as acidic water. Alkaline water produced by an alkaline water machine or water ionizer is alkalized water because electrolysis was used to create the alkalinity without synthetic and artificial additives. This is the only kind of alkaline water we recommend for drinking.

What are the Benefits of Alkaline Ionized Water?

Alkaline ionized water produced by a water ionizer has many benefits for anyone who drinks it. This water helps to reduce the acidity in your body, makes your tissues alkaline, improves your gut health, is micro-clustered and structured for enhanced and faster hydration and improved absorption of essential nutrients, hydroxyl ions (OH-) remove free radicals from cells improving cellular regeneration, and it is antioxidant rich with molecular hydrogen.

Drinking alkaline ionized water can help with weight loss due to good pH balance in the body, detoxification by assisting with removal of free radicals and toxic metals, bone health, better hydration due to smaller water molecule cluster size, heart health, immune health, healthy skin, good digestion, stronger muscles and joints and managing pain due to it’s amazing anti-inflammatory benefits. You will have more energy, endurance and faster recovery because alkaline ionized water can help fight off lactic acid buildup in the body.

Potential Hydrogen (pH) Balance and Weight Loss Benefits

pH balance in the body is important to keep your digestive system and other functions working well enough to curb appetite and keep you energetic. Acidic foods deplete your energy, leave you fatigued and contribute to other health problems. When your body is acidic toxins will naturally get trapped in fat cells, the lymphatic system, and the blood stream. How does this contribute to weight gain? High acidity and trapped toxins cause a condition known as Insulin Sensitivity that forces excessive insulin to be produced. As a result, the body is flooded with so much insulin that it diligently converts every calorie into fat. So, what can you do? Limit your intake of acidic foods for better health and a leaner body, and drink alkaline ionized water and eat alkaline foods to cleanse toxins from your body and maintain the correct pH balance.

Alkaline Ionized Water May Help With Cancer Prevention

Two main factors leading to cancer are an acidic pH and a lack of oxygen. Research has proven that terminal cancer patients have an acidity level up to 1,000 times more than normal healthy people. The vast majority of terminal cancer patients have a very acidic pH. Without oxygen, glucose undergoing fermentation becomes lactic acid. This causes the pH of the cell to drop to 7.0. In more advance cancer cases, the pH level can range from 5.7 - 6.5. The basic truth is that our bodies simply cannot fight diseases if our pH is not properly balanced. Hence, drinking alkaline ionized water to reduce acidity in the body may help with cancer prevention.

(About The Author Michael Lam, M.D., M.P.H., A.B.A.A.M. is a specialist in Preventive and Anti-Aging Medicine. He is currently the Director of Medical Education at the Academy of Anti-Aging Research, USA)

Tap Water vs Alkaline Ionized Water Molecule Size and Hydration Benefits

Tap, purified, and bottled water have a larger water molecule cluster size around 15 - 26 molecules per cluster. Alkaline ionized water produced by a water ionizer has a smaller cluster size around 5 - 6 molecules per cluster, and this smaller cluster size is why we call this special water micro clustered. This smaller cluster size means that the water can be more easily absorbed into the cells and tissues, thereby providing superior hydration for the body and helping to dissolve and flush out acidic solid waste and toxins that have accumulated in the body.

Micro Cluster Alkaline Ionized Water Hydration Benefit

How do I drink Alkaline Ionized Water?

You will be surprised to know that alkaline water with a high pH is not for everyone. People who consume green leafy alkaline foods or follow an alkaline diet will need alkaline ionized water with a lower pH because they follow an alkaline rich diet. People who consume acidic foods regularly will need alkaline ionized water with a higher pH to neutralize the acid in their body.

Water ionizer alkaline levels range from 8.5 - 9.5 pH, and these levels are the recommended for drinking water. You can start with the water ionizer on the lowest setting - 8.5 pH and use this water for a week. After a week if you feel good you can try the ionization level 9.0 - 9.5 pH. Alkaline water with a pH greater than 11.0 pH can be used for cooking, cleaning and soaking your fruits and vegetables in to remove oil-based pesticides. The clean water setting on the water ionizer produces 7.0 pH water for making baby formula and taking with fast dissolving medication. Do NOT drink the acidic water that any water ionizer produces.

How do I use The Acidic Water From the Water Ionizer?

The acidic water produced by a water ionizer has many benefits. It can be used as a disinfectant to clean your kitchen, stove and glass surfaces because it kills all bacteria, microbes, and pathogens. The acidic water can also be used on your skin for facial tightening, toning and lifting and hydrating the skin. You can use it on cuts and scrapes to help stop bleeding and to treat inflammatory skin conditions. It also works great as a facial astringent for acne.

Where Can I Purchase a Water Ionizer?

You can actually purchase a water ionizer directly from us. We have international shipping options available for those who do not live in the United States. If you need a flexible payment plan please contact us first, and we will be happy to walk you through what options are available depending on the water ionizer you like.


Unboxing Bluevua Six Stage Reverse Osmosis System (100 GPD at 0.26L/Min Flow)

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Unboxing Bluevua Six Stage Reverse Osmosis System (100 GPD at 0.26L/Min Flow)

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I bought this Bluevua Six Stage Reverse Osmosis System (100 GPD at 0.26L/Min Flow) to keep a constant flow of reverse osmosis (RO) re-mineralized water flowing into my John Ellis Living Water Machine (LWM-5) Distiller. This RO system does NOT have an auto shut off valve like other tankless reverse osmosis systems. The two hour auto shut off valve is inconvenient on other tankless RO systems because you have to turn it back on every two hours to keep a constant flow of water running into the John Ellis Living Water Machine. You can’t beat the price point for this RO system when you consider filtration performance for contaminant removal, mineral removal and a constant flow rate for the John Ellis Water Machine. When the reverse osmosis water storage tank is full, it also puts a good flow rate through my Kangen K8 Water Ionizer as well.

The system is packaged very well and protected during shipping.  You will notice the package care in the video below.  It was easy to get each item out of the box without having to turn the box upside down. The packaging engineer is did a fantastic job because I did not even have to turn it upside down to get the reverse osmosis system (RO) out.

Let’s first talk about the filters that come with this system.  The Coconut Carbon Block Filter (CTO) removes all the additional chlorine and organic matters from the water without releasing carbon ashes.  It must be replaced yearly.  The Granular Activated Carbon Filter (GAC) absorbs heavy chlorine, and chlorine by-products such as chloramine, THM and TCE.  It must be replaced yearly.  The Polypropylene Sediment Filter (PP) removes dirt, corrosion, sediment, red worms, sand, and other physical particles.  This is also used to protect the back filters.  The Reverse Osmosis Membrane Filter (RO) removes heavy metals, bacteria, virus, and other harmful substances. It must be replaced every two years.  The Mineral Ball filter consistently releases easily absorbed minerals, all essential to the human body, into the drinking water.  It puts calcium, magnesium, selenium, strontium, potassium, and healthy salts with other trace minerals back in the RO water.  The Mineral Ball filter must be replaced yearly.  The quality of the filters is world-class, and replacement filters are budget friendly.  When replacing the filters I love the pull forward, drop and go feature that allows any customers to change each of the filters in seconds.

Using this RO system personally has reduced the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of my water from 350-400 parts per million (PPM) in the tap water down to 10-20 PPM.  This is incredible performance, and I know my health is being protected when I can validate the performance myself with a basic TDS meter.  I have a water production business at home, and the quality of the water I sell has also improved. My customers are always asking me what kind of setup I have because they love the taste of the water we produce so much.  Well, this is part of our prefiltration setup, and now you know.

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Unboxing Multipure Aquaperform + Single Hose Diverter Kit for Tap Water Filtering

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Unboxing Multipure Aquaperform + Single Hose Diverter Kit for Tap Water Filtering

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Water filtration isn’t simply a matter of “clean” versus “dirty” water. Different contaminants have different effects. For example, chlorine in water treats bacteria and viruses, but makes the water taste like chlorine – not to mention the potential for chlorine to create harmful disinfection byproducts in the water. Water contaminants also tend to vary by region, depending on the land and any surrounding industries. Because of this, drinking water filtration is rarely a one-size-fits-all solution. 
Arsenic is one of those contaminants that’s not found in every region, but can be very dangerous when it is present, and very harmful when ingested. It’s naturally occurring in the ground, and it’s also used in industrial processes. But, because it’s not present in every water supply, not many countertop or under counter water filtration systems can treat arsenic in drinking water. That’s rather unfortunate, since arsenic is practically synonymous with “poisonous.” Even if it’s not immediately deadly, arsenic can still cause irritation and damage to your skin, throat, lungs, and stomach. Arsenic can even cause lung, bladder, or skin cancer.

The Multipure Aquaperform Drinking Water System uses a compact, powerful, and efficient filter that can treat a broad range of harmful contaminants, not just ones that affect the taste and smell of the water like other typical household filters. Multipure filters are much more powerful than filtered water pitchers, provide much cleaner water than bottled water (which in many cases is simply tap water), and work in real-time at the filtered water spout right on the stainless steel housing. Multipure recognized the limitations of Granulated Activated Carbon (GAC) and developed a signature solid carbon block filter by building upon the advantages of GAC to make it far more powerful and effective. By combining the right mixture of activated carbon and other filter materials, then pressing them into a densely compacted block, Multipure created a filter that allowed water to pass through but forced the water to stay in contact with enough filter surface area to vastly improve the filtration performance. Multipure has over five decades of carbon block development that have made the Aquaperform the powerhouse countertop and under the counter filtration system it is.

The Aquaperform can filter contaminants that can affect the taste, the odor, and the healthfulness of your drinking water, and the additional Arsenic V filtration puts it above and beyond the competition, protecting your home and your family’s drinking water. The Aquaperform’s performance is third-party, independently tested and certified by National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) International for the treatment of contaminants of Aesthetic Concern (Std. 42) such as chlorine, chloramine, and particulates; contaminants of Health Concern (Std. 53) such as lead, disinfection byproducts, PFOA/PFOS (aka, “forever chemicals”), and Arsenic V; and emerging compounds and incidental contaminants (Std. 401) such as artificial hormones, pest repellants, and heart medications.

  • NSF/ANSI 42 Standard refers to filters that are certified to reduce aesthetic impurities such as chlorine and taste/odor/appearance (e.g. chlorine, chloramine, particulate matter, etc). These can be point-of-use (under the sink, water pitcher, etc.) or point-of-entry (whole house) treatment systems.

  • NSF/ANSI 53 Standard refers to filters are certified to reduce a contaminant with a health effect when ingested (e.g. asbestos, lead, arsenic, PFOAs, microcystin, etc). Health effects are set in this standard as regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Health Canada. Both standards 42 and 53 cover adsorption/filtration which is a process that occurs when liquid, gas or dissolved/suspended matter adheres to the surface of, or in the pores of, an adsorbent media. Carbon filters are an example of this type of product.

  • NSF/ANSI 401 Standard refers to filters that are certified for emerging contaminants removal and include both point-of-use and point-of-entry systems that have been verified to reduce one or more of 15 emerging contaminants from drinking water (e.g. prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, DEET, etc). These emerging contaminants can be pharmaceuticals or chemicals not yet regulated by the EPA or Health Canada whose long-term health effects are not yet fully determined.

  • NSF Protocol P231 refers to filters that are certified for the purification of microbiological contaminants (e.g. bacteria, viruses, live cysts, etc). These filters are certified for health and sanitation based on the recommendations of the EPA’s Task Force Report, Guide Standard and Protocol for Testing Microbiological Water Purifiers (1987) (Annex B).

  • Important Note: Other company water filters that are NSF certified can get the certification for filtering only for a subset of contaminants covered by the NSF certification. Many times, these filters companies aren’t even listed in the official NSF Water Filter Database. Multipure is different because they filter for EVERY SINGLE CONTAMINANT covered by the NSF certification.

Benefits of the Multipure Aquaperform Drinking Water System:

  • The Aquaperform uses Multipure's specially enhanced carbon block filter to reduce levels of deadly Arsenic V, a toxic chemical that can naturally contaminate groundwater and pose serious health risks.

  • No one likes to taste chlorine in their water, just like no one likes the taste of pool water. If you're tired of tasting chlorine and other contaminants in your drinking water, you'll love the improved taste of Aquaperform filtered water. Remember, it’s not just great for drinking water, but also gives you better-tasting coffee, tea, juice mixes, or anything else that can benefit from filtered water.

  • Food cooked with contaminated water may be unsafe to eat. Cooking with Aquaperform-filtered water means cleaner, safer water for pasta, soup, sauces, or other foods.

  • Our beloved family pets deserve cleaner, healthier water. Fill your pets’ water dishes with filtered water from Multipure's Aquaperform.

  • Don’t overpay for clean drinking water, and don’t contribute to plastic bottle waste. An Aquaperform is better for your budget and better for the environment.

  • We want you to feel as confident in your countertop or under counter water filter system system as we are. The Aquaperform is backed by our unparalleled customer satisfaction guarantee and warranty.

Features of the Multipure Aquaperform Drinking Water System:

  • The majority of water filters are only to filter contaminants down to 1 micron. The Aquaperform is able to filter contaminants down to 0.5 microns, and this guarantees greater than 99.9% contaminant removal (see filtration performance data at bottom).

  • The Aquaperform has a one gallon per minute flow rate for produced clean filtered water. The stainless steel vessel is built in such a way to ensure the tap water flows in at a rate where the tap water has enough contact time with the filter media to perform sub-micron filtration contaminant removal.

  • System does NOT remove the original minerals in your tap water or reduce the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of your tap water so you can consume all those healthy minerals in your water to keep your body strong.

  • Multipure Aquaperform filter is rated for 600 gallons of filtered water but has been tested up to 1200 gallons without loss of filtration integrity and performance, and replacement filters are under $200.

  • You can install the Aquaperform below your sink for under counter water filtration or attach it to your sink faucet as a countertop water filter, giving you enjoy cleaner, healthier, better-tasting water on demand.

  • Stainless steel filter housing and interior stainless steel pressure vessel both come with a lifetime warranty.

  • If you are not completely satisfied with your Multipure Drinking Water System, Multipure will refund 100% of the purchase price less shipping up to 90 days from the date of purchase.

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John Ellis water use instructions


John Ellis water use instructions

John Ellis Water is purified and filtered 5 times through a Reverse Osmosis (RO) system before being distilled/hydrogen bond angle modified in the John Ellis LWM-5 machine. We store the purified energized life water in Enviro – Bottles / Glass Jugs which are BPA-free.

How do I use this water: website suggests using a few drops of water per 16 oz water bottle – up to 1 ounce per gallon – of known good drinking water. By mixing the John Ellis Water into your tap or purified water, you are transforming the properties of your water to be more like John Ellis Water.  You can also drink it straight.  When I have done this I have noticed a slight sweet taste to the water. Here are some other ways to mix the water:

  • Mix 1 ounce into 1 gallon of current drinking water (spring, tap, distilled, alkaline, etc).

  • Use 30 drops (2 full droppers) and mix into an 8 ounce glass of water, coffee, tea, juice, etc.

  • Use 60 drops (4 full droppers) and mix into a 16 ounce glass of water, coffee, tea, juice, etc.

The 30 drops into 8 ounces and 60 drops into 16 ounces are the same ratio as 1 ounce to 1 gallon. Also, remember to save any 1oz bottles you have since they are easy to refill and travel with. Here are some additional uses for the John Ellis Water:

  • 5 - 10 drops under the tongue often provides and energy boost.

  • May be used as eye drops.

  • May be used topically on cuts, scrapes, sores, and rashes.

  • Soak stiff or sore joints in John Ellis Water.

  • Pure John Ellis Water may be used in a nebulizer.

You can also use this water for making Teavana Tea, pasta, lentils, and washing fruits and vegetables.  You can use it to make detergent for the washing machine since its great at removing odors.  You can use it with many home remedies from See below for other ways we have used the John Ellis Water.

How is John Ellis Water different from my tap water:

  • John Ellis Water is free from pathogens, chemicals, and disease markers; your tap water is likely not this pure.

  • John Ellis Water has a bond angle of 114 degrees; your tap water has a bond angle of 104 degrees.

  • John Ellis Water’s weakened bond angle allows your body to break down the bond with ease and absorb the pure, clean oxygen found in the water; your tap water cannot have this same effect.

How to store your John Ellis Water:

  • Be sure to cover or seal the container to keep dust, dirt, and debris out of the water.

  • If you ordered a three or five gallon container you can separate the water into smaller amounts (e.g. one or half gallon jugs) to make it easier to pour and handle. You can also store the water in a glass jug or food grade BPA-Free containers.

  • You can store the water in the refrigerator or in a dry cool environment.

  • Please refrain from putting the water in a microwave, and do not store in a humid environment.

How to make organic chemical free household cleaner and soap scum remover:

To make a chemical free household clean and soap scum remover - 1/2 cup John Ellis pure distilled energized water, 2 cups purified water, 1 cup of vinegar, and 10-15 drops of lemon oil.  Put this mixture in a spray bottle and shake it.  Spray this mixture on the soap scum in you shower, scrub it lightly with the back of sponge, wait 5 minutes, and then wipe it off.  I have never found anything better for cleaning and removing soap scum, and I don't even have to wear a mask because it contains no harsh chemicals.

How to make homemade organic detergent:

To make organic laundry detergent - 1 cup of washing soda, 1/2 cup of borax, 1/2 cup of organic liquid soap, 1 cup of John Ellis pure distilled energized water, and 3 gallons of purified water.  Put this mixture in and old laundry detergent bottle from the store and shake it to mix it.  Use 1 cup per load of laundry.  This mixture is enough for about 52 loads of laundry.  Your clothes will come out smelling great and extremely clean. 

Ultra Re-hydration:

To make an ultra-hydration and ultra-oxygenation mixture for your body - Slice up one organic lemon, 1 gallon of purified water, 40 drops of John Ellis pure distilled energized water, and 20 drops of organic lemon juice.  Put the slices of lemon, purified water, John Ellis purified water drops, and lemon juice in a pouring jug that can hold the mixture and stir it.  Drink 16 oz of this first thing in the morning before you go to work in the morning, and bring 32 oz to work with you and drink it throughout the day.  This will help with hydration because lemon water in the morning kick-starts your metabolism, digestive system, and helps your kidneys flush toxins from the body.

How to make homemade organic toothpaste (fluoride-free):

To make organic toothpaste - 1/2 cup of organic coconut oil, 3 tablespoons of baking soda, 2 small packets of stevia powder or 5 drops of liquid stevia drops, 15-20 drops of peppermint or cinnamon essential oil, 10 drops of John Ellis pure distilled energized water, 10 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract (optional), and 10 drops of myrrh extract (optional).  Melt or soften the coconut oil and mix in all the ingredients and stir.  Put the mixture into a glass jar and let it cool completely.  Dip the toothbrush into the jar and scrape a small amount onto the bristles, or you could use a spoon to scrape it and then put it on the toothbrush.

How to make homemade organic bug repellent:

To make the base for essential oils - 2 tablespoons of organic witch hazel, 2 tablespoons of organic jojoba oil, 2 tablespoons of organic olive oil, 2.5 cups of purified water, and 40 drops of John Ellis pure distilled energized water.  To make the organic essential oil blend - 30 drops of organic lemon or eucalyptus, 10 drops of organic cedarwood, 10 drops of organic lavender, 10 drops of rosemary.  Mix all these ingredients in a spray bottle, shake it for 30 seconds, and spray on your skin.    Other good bug repellent essential oils are citronella, eucalyptus, tea tree, peppermint, cypress, rose geranium, bergamot, lemon, and cinnamon.

How to make John Ellis organic fruit infused water:

To make fruit infused water choose a combination of your favorite organic fruit (see list below). Cut up the organic fruit and add it in a glass pitcher or a mason jar. It is good to leave the rind on the fruit (e.g. lemon, lime, grapefruit, oranges, etc) since the rind actually brings out more of the fruit’s natural flavors. The skin or peel of fruits and vegetables are generally higher in antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals than the fruit flesh. Now imagine being able to get some of that goodness in your fruit infused water! Next add a mixture of 25% John Ellis Water, and 75% purified water, alkaline water, or reverse osmosis water. Leave a little room for some ice if you like but this is optional. Put the glass pitcher or mason jar in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours to allow for the fruity goodness to infuse with the water. Fruit infused water is good for up to 24 hours if stored in the refrigerator. If you used citrus with the rind on, make sure to remove those after 6 hours or the water will turn bitter.

Drinking fruit infused water help with hydration, detoxing the body, improves digestion, boosts energy, improves mood, helps clear complexion, alkalizes the body, and boosts immune function.

Here are some great different combinations to try in John Ellis Water:

  • Apple Cinnamon Sticks

  • Blackberry Orange

  • Blackberry Pomegranate

  • Blackberry Rosemary / Sage

  • Blood Oranges, Lemons & Limes

  • Cantaloupe, Mint & Lemon

  • Cucumber Lemon

  • Cucumber Lemon Mint

  • Kiwi Strawberry Basil

  • Lavender Lemon

  • Lemon Ginger

  • Lemon Grapefruit Watermelon

  • Lemon Cayenne Pepper

  • Lime + Mint

  • Peaches & Basil

  • Pineapple Coconut Water

  • Pineapple Jalapeno

  • Rosemary Grapefruit

  • Strawberry Lemon Mint / Basil

  • Strawberry + Orange/ Lemon + Lemon Balm

  • Watermelon Basil

Your Own Testimonial:

Please feel free to send us your testimonial if you have a success story you would like to share.  You can send us a message with your success story through our Facebook Page: or by emailing us at  All stories are kept confidential and will only be shared anonymously if you give us permission.  Your own successes are what drive home the fact that this is truly life water the body needs every day.


Unboxing Bluevua X6-500GPD Five Stage Tankless Reverse Osmosis System


Unboxing Bluevua X6-500GPD Five Stage Tankless Reverse Osmosis System

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I bought this Bluevua X6-500GPD Five Stage Tankless Reverse Osmosis System to be able to offer to our water customers a world class RO system that produces excellent drinking water for years, so you don’t have to continue to buy bottled drinking water. We evaluate new systems, and if they pass our rigorous testing then we recommend them to our customers. This system is a high-capacity flow system can fill a cup of water in only ten seconds.

This system is elegantly designed, and hookup is absolutely streamlined. The inlet water line (white), drain line (black), and clean water line (blue) all plug into the side of the RO system, so they stay untangled when the system is completely hooked up. All parts are included for a seamless hookup in under thirty minutes. The only prerequisite for any RO system is you must have an electrical outlet under the sink to plug the RO system into. Most of the time you will have this because your garbage disposal and dishwasher need an electrical outlet too.

The system is packaged very well and protected during shipping.  All accessory parts are easily identified, and the instructions are clearly written and easy to follow so system setup can be done with ease with minimal plumbing experience.

Let us first talk about the filters that come with this system.  The Polypropylene Activated Carbon Filter (PCP) removes dirt, corrosion, sediment, chlorine, red worms, sand, organic matters, and other physical particles.  This is also used to protect the back filters, and it must be replaced yearly. The Reverse Osmosis Membrane Filter (RO) removes bacterial, virus, antibiotics and other harmful substances, heavy metals, and pesticide residues from water. It must be replaced every two years. The Carbon Filter (CF) improves the taste of the water by filtering additional chlorine, peculiar smells, and odors, and it must be replaced yearly.   The quality of these filters is world-class, and replacement filters are budget friendly.  When replacing the filters you slide the cover off the side of the RO system, pull the filter forward, turn the filter, pull the older one out, and then put it the new one and turn it into place (10 seconds to replace).

This tankless RO system comes with a water leakage protector that plugs into the back of the system. It will make a sound and alert you if there is a water leak or humidity detected in or around the area of the RO system and automatically shut off the system. There is a smart LED display with a filter life monitor and built-in real-time total dissolved solids (TDS) monitoring to track filter quality and lifespan. This is very convenient if you forget to keep track of when you first started using the filters.

Using this RO system personally has reduced the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of my water from 350-400 parts per million (PPM) in the tap water down to 15-25 PPM (bottled water quality).  This is incredible performance, and I know my health is being protected when I can validate the performance myself with a basic TDS meter.  I have a water production business at home, and the quality of the water I sell has also improved.

Unique features of RO system: Side panel that covers the filters is held on by magnets instead of plastic clips which can break easily.  I absolutely love this unique feature, and I outline it in the video below.

Improvements to the RO system: The only improvement I can think of is it is not clear how far forward to pull the filter when you need to replace it.  You need to be careful and pull it out slowly because the part that the filter plugs into will contact / touch the plastic top of the RO system.  Just use care when you are replacing the filters and you will have no issues.


What are antioxidants, and why are they good for you?

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What are antioxidants, and why are they good for you?

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The thing you may not have known about antioxidants is you can get them in your water when you drink alkaline ionized water infused with molecular hydrogen.  You can get more antioxidants through drinking alkaline ionized water than you can through eating antioxidant rich foods daily! 

Alkaline ionized water has more antioxidants in a single glass than broccoli, blueberries, banana, red cabbage, green tea, and spinach consumed.  In fact, it would take 1 kilogram or 2.2 pounds of blueberries to equate to the antioxidants in a single glass of alkaline ionized water.  Read more below to learn about free radicals, oxidative stress, antioxidants, and what antioxidant-rich food you can pair with your daily alkaline ionized water to supercharge your daily antioxidant intake.

What are free radicals? Free radicals are waste substances produced by cells as the body processes food and reacts to the environment. A free radical is an unbalanced molecule with an unpaired electron. It needs another electron to be stable and steals it from your cells. They are also known as reactive oxygen species (ROS).  Factors that increase the production of free radicals in the body can be internal, such as inflammation, or external, for example, pollution, UV exposure, cigarette smoke, industrial solvents, pesticides, drugs, chemotherapy, and excessive exercise. If the body cannot process and remove free radicals efficiently the result is oxidative stress.

What is oxidative stress? Oxidative Stress is defined as a disturbance in the balance between the production of reactive oxygen species (free radicals) and antioxidant defenses, and it can harm cells and bodily functions.

For example, oxidation is what's happening to the apple in this picture below or to iron when it rusts. Oxidation happens inside our bodies all the time and contributes to diseases. Oxidation is a chemical reaction where Active Oxygen (O2+) and other free radicals circulate the body, stealing electrons and damaging the cells.


Oxidative stress has been linked to heart disease, cancer, arthritis, stroke, respiratory diseases, immune deficiency, emphysema, Parkinson’s disease, and other inflammatory or ischemic conditions. Antioxidants protect against oxidative stress.

What are antioxidants? Antioxidants are substances that can prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals.  Antioxidants also act as radical scavenger, hydrogen donor, electron donor, peroxide decomposer, singlet oxygen quencher, enzyme inhibitor, synergist, and metal-chelating agents.  The best sources of antioxidants are plant-based foods, especially fruits and vegetables and alkaline ionized water.  Foods that are particularly high in antioxidants are often referred to as a superfoods. 

What foods are high in antioxidants? CHOCOLATE – dark chocolate; DAIRY – eggs, cheese, whole milk; FRUITS – apples, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, corn, cranberries, mangoes, oranges, plums, pomegranates, red grapes, goji berries, papaya, prunes, raspberries, strawberries, watermelon; GRAINS – rice, wheat; LEGUMES - black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans; MEATS – liver, herring, salmon, trout, tuna, sardines, mackerel; NUTS – almonds, cashews, chestnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, peanut butter, walnuts; OILS – sunflower and vegetable oil; TEAS – green and black tea; VEGETABLES – artichokes, beats, bell peppers, carrots, corn, eggplants, kale peas, potatoes, red cabbage, spinach, tomatoes.


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Unboxing Bluevua RO100 ROPOT Countertop Reverse Osmosis System

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Unboxing Bluevua RO100 ROPOT Countertop Reverse Osmosis System

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I bought this Bluevua RO100 ROPOT Countertop Reverse Osmosis System to be able to offer to our water customers a world class RO system that produces excellent drinking water for years to come. We evaluate new systems, and if they pass our rigorous testing then we recommend them to our customers. This countertop RO system is perfect for people who want clean drinking water without having to do any special plumbing under their kitchen sink. It’s the perfect size and it looks nice on your counter. It will generate a lot of interest from your friends and family that see it, and you can take pride knowing you are helping the environment by not having to constantly buy bottled water.

Let’s first talk about the filters that come with this system.  The Polypropylene Sediment Filter (PP) removes dirt, corrosion, sediment, red worms, sand, and other physical particles, and it must be replaced yearly. The Coconut Carbon Block Filter (CTO) removes all the additional chlorine and organic matters from the water without releasing carbon ashes, and it must be replaced yearly. The Reverse Osmosis Membrane Filter (RO) removes bacterial, virus, antibiotics and other harmful substances, heavy metals and pesticide residues from water, and it must be replaced every two years. The Post Carbon Filter (PCF) improves the taste of the water and has to be replaced yearly. The quality of these filters is world-class, and replacement filters are budget friendly.  When replacing the filters you pull the filter toward you from the bottom, twist, and then replace it with a new one (8 seconds to replace each filter).

The countertop RO system has three volume settings that let you know when a 1/2 liter, 1 liter, or 1.5 liters of clean reverse osmosis water has been produced. You simply fill RO tank with tap water and then push the round water-making button on the front of the machine, and it will begin the process of producing reverse osmosis water.

The first time you use the countertop system you need to clean the glass carafe and the water tank with hot water. To clean out the protective liquid in the four filters you need to fill the RO tank to the max level and run the water through the machine 4-6 times. After each time throw the water away in the carafe and repeat the process. During the first two rounds, the raw water in the tank will automatically be filled into the filters, therefore there may be no water coming out in this phase. For the first 3-5 rounds, it is normal that the pure RO water may turn black due to activated carbon particles.

Using this countertop RO system will produce you drinking water with a Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) measurement between 15-30 parts per million (ppm) depending on your water source. This TDS level is the same as excellent quality drinking water you would pay for in the store that is created in a similar way through an industrial reverse osmosis process. Using this countertop RO system, I know my health is being protected when I can validate the performance myself with a basic TDS meter.


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Unboxing Bluevua X7-600GPD Five Stage Tankless Reverse Osmosis System


Unboxing Bluevua X7-600GPD Five Stage Tankless Reverse Osmosis System

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I bought this Bluevua X7-600GPD Five Stage Tankless Reverse Osmosis System to be able to offer to our water customers a world class RO system that produces excellent drinking water for years, so you don’t have to continue to buy bottled drinking water. We evaluate new systems, and if they pass our rigorous testing then we recommend them to our customers. This system is a high-capacity flow system can fill a cup of water in only eight seconds.

This system is elegantly designed, and hookup is absolutely streamlined. The inlet water line (white), drain line (black), and clean water line (blue) all plug into the top of the RO system, so they stay untangled when the system is completely hooked up. All parts are included for a seamless hookup in under thirty minutes. The only prerequisite for any RO system is you must have an electrical outlet under the sink to plug the RO system into. Most of the time you will have this because your garbage disposal and dishwasher need an electrical outlet too.

The system is packaged very well and protected during shipping.  You will notice the package care in the video below.  It was easy to get each item out of the box without having to turn the box upside down. All accessory parts are easily identified, and the instructions are clearly written so each step to hook up the system is very easy to follow.

Let’s first talk about the filters that come with this system.  The Polypropylene Activated Carbon Filter (PCP) removes dirt, corrosion, sediment, red worms, sand, and other physical particles.  This is also used to protect the back filters, and it must be replaced yearly. The Reverse Osmosis Membrane Filter (RO) removes bacterial, virus, antibiotics and other harmful substances, heavy metals, and pesticide residues from water. It must be replaced every two years. The Coconut Carbon Block Filter (CTO) removes all the additional chlorine and organic matters from the water without releasing carbon ashes and improves the taste of the water, and it must be replaced yearly.  The quality of these filters is world-class, and replacement filters are budget friendly.  When replacing the filters you turn the filter, pull the older one out, and then put it the new one and turn it into place (10 seconds to replace).

This tankless RO system comes with a water leakage protector that plugs into the back of the system. It will make a sound and alert you if there is a water leak or humidity detected in or around the area of the RO system and automatically shut off the system. There is a smart LED display with a filter life monitor and built-in real-time total dissolved solids (TDS) monitoring to track filter quality and lifespan. This is very convenient if you forget to keep track of when you first started using the filters.

Using this RO system personally has reduced the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of my water from 350-400 parts per million (PPM) in the tap water down to 15-25 PPM (bottled water quality).  This is incredible performance, and I know my health is being protected when I can validate the performance myself with a basic TDS meter.  I have a water production business at home, and the quality of the water I sell has also improved. My customers are always asking me what kind of setup I have because they love the taste of the water we produce so much.  Well, this is part of our prefiltration setup, and now you know.


Unboxing Bluevua Elegant Six Stage Reverse Osmosis System (100 GPD at 0.26L/Min Flow)


Unboxing Bluevua Elegant Six Stage Reverse Osmosis System (100 GPD at 0.26L/Min Flow)

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I bought this Bluevua Elegant Six Stage Reverse Osmosis System (100 GPD at 0.26L/Min Flow) to keep a constant flow of reverse osmosis (RO) re-mineralized water flowing into my John Ellis Living Water Machine (LWM-5) Distiller. This RO system does NOT have an auto shut off valve like other tankless reverse osmosis systems. The two hour auto shut off valve is inconvenient on other tankless RO systems because you have to turn it back on every two hours to keep a constant flow of water running into the John Ellis Living Water Machine. You can’t beat the price point for this RO system when you consider filtration performance for contaminant removal, mineral removal and a constant flow rate for the John Ellis Machine. When the reverse osmosis water storage tank is full, it also puts a good flow rate through my Kangen K8 Water Ionizer as well.

This system is elegantly designed, and hookup is absolutely streamlined compared to the regular Bluevua Six Stage Reverse Osmosis System (100 GPD at 0.26L/Min Flow) unit that you sell.  Even though they are functionally the same the setup for this unit will be so much easier for a novice individual who is setting it up for the first time. They will be able complete the installation on their own without the help of a plumber and save money in the long run.

The system is packaged very well and protected during shipping.  You will notice the package care in the video below.  It was easy to get each item out of the box without having to turn the box upside down.  The packaging engineer is did a fantastic job because I did not even have to turn it upside down to get the reverse osmosis system (RO) out.

Let’s first talk about the filters that come with this system.  The Coconut Carbon Block Filter (CTO) removes all the additional chlorine and organic matters from the water without releasing carbon ashes.  It must be replaced yearly.  The Granular Activated Carbon Filter (GAC) absorbs heavy chlorine, and chlorine by-products such as chloramine, THM and TCE.  It must be replaced yearly.  The Polypropylene Sediment Filter (PP) removes dirt, corrosion, sediment, red worms, sand, and other physical particles.  This is also used to protect the back filters.  The Reverse Osmosis Membrane Filter (RO) removes heavy metals, bacteria, virus, and other harmful substances. It must be replaced every two years.  The Mineral Ball filter consistently releases easily absorbed minerals, all essential to the human body, into the drinking water.  It puts calcium, magnesium, selenium, strontium, potassium, and healthy salts with other trace minerals back in the RO water.  The Mineral Ball filter must be replaced yearly.  The quality of the filters is world-class, and replacement filters are budget friendly.  When replacing the filters I love the pull forward, drop and go feature that allows any customers to change each of the filters in seconds.

Using this RO system personally has reduced the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) of my water from 350-400 parts per million (PPM) in the tap water down to 10-20 PPM.  This is incredible performance, and I know my health is being protected when I can validate the performance myself with a basic TDS meter.  I have a water production business at home, and the quality of the water I sell has also improved. My customers are always asking me what kind of setup I have because they love the taste of the water we produce so much.  Well, this is part of our prefiltration setup, and now you know.


How do tank reverse osmosis systems work with the John Ellis Water Machine?


How do tank reverse osmosis systems work with the John Ellis Water Machine?

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I bought this Bluevua Six Stage Reverse Osmosis System (100 GPD at 0.26L/Min Flow) to keep a constant flow of reverse osmosis (RO) re-mineralized water flowing into my John Ellis Living Water Machine (LWM-5) Distiller.  This RO system does NOT have an auto shut off valve like other tankless reverse osmosis systems.  The two hour auto shut off valve is inconvenient on other tankless RO systems because you have to turn it back on every two hours to keep a constant flow of water running into the John Ellis Living Water Machine. You can’t beat the price point for this RO system when you consider filtration performance for contaminant removal, mineral removal and a constant flow rate for the John Ellis Machine.  When the reverse osmosis water storage tank is full, it also puts a good flow rate through my Kangen K8 Water Ionizer as well.

The filters used on the Bluevua Six Stage RO System are a reverse osmosis membrane filter, coconut carbon block filter, granular activated carbon filter, polypropylene sediment filter, and a mineral ball filter for remineralization.  Most of the filters on this unit need to be replaced between 6 months - 2 years.  You will get a lot of use out of this system for years to come you can simply contact us directly to get more filters.

The Bluevua Reverse Osmosis System comes packaged very well. The instructions are very easy to understand, and system installation is a breeze.  No parts were missing, and I was surprised how sturdy and well-built this RO system is.  The metal frame all the filters are attached to is heavy and well-constructed.  I was able to get the system setup in under 30 minutes, and 10 of those 30 minutes were spent reading through the instructions. This system comes with a one-year warranty, and it will last you for many years to come.
