Elite Shungite Healing Stones (5-15 Gram Stone Size)
Elite Shungite Healing Stones (5-15 Gram Stone Size)
For sale is 150, 200, or 250 grams (50 grams = 1.76 ounces) of Elite Shungite Crystals from Russia which contain 97-98% carbon with a shiny silvery black semi-metallic luster. Each Elite Shungite stone weighs between 5-15 grams. Elite Shungite makes up less than 1% of all Shungite, and it is the purest and more rare form of Shungite. It has the highest concentration of C60 fullerenes, and it does not lend itself to cutting and shaping. Elite Shungite restores vitality in the human body, has been shown to relieve headaches, stress, backaches, rheumatism, help neurological conditions, normalize sleep, stabilize blood pressure, clear respiratory tract, and increase physical and mental balance. Shungite also detoxifies and purifies the body and mind by protecting you from harmful EMFs. You can learn more about Shungite below.
How to Use:
Take four to six 5-15 gram shungite stones and put them in your pure John Ellis Energized Water. Leave them in the original jug or glass bottle until you finish consuming all your John Ellis Water by mixing it or drinking it straight. If you mix one ounce of John Ellis Water to one gallon of purified water, you can add another 4-6 elite shungite stones in this mixed John Ellis Water. Shungite filtered water is safe to drink without any additional purification process such as boiling or chemical treatment. Shungite purifies water by removing phenol, iron, manganese, chlorine, nitrates, bacteria, and micro-organisms. After you add the shungite to your water let it sit for at least six hours before consuming it. Shungite will turn the water acidic during the first couple of hours, and after about 6-8 hours the PH of the water will be perfect for drinking.
You do not have to remove the shungite from the John Ellis Water unless you would like to use it in other ways. You can keep the shungite next to things in your house that give off electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs). You can put some next to your microwave, computers, smart TVs, meters, and all your cell phones. To test the effectiveness of EMF protection you can purchase and EMF reader to measure EMF where you place the shungite.
Shungite Overview:
Shungite is said to be around 2 billion years old, and this rare stone has only been found in the Karelia area of Russia. It is an extraordinarily positive stone, and is one of the only known natural materials known to contain fullerenes, which are powerful anti-oxidants. Structurally, fullerenes are hollow spheres that are connected by strong pentagonal and hexagonal rings.
Fullerenes were brought to our attention when research on them gained the scientists a Nobel prize in 1996. This is because the fullerenes in this stone will cleanse water then infuse it with a potent healing vibration. Fullerenes, getting in our body, behave as the most powerful and most long-acting antioxidant as a means to fight free radicals. Today, doctors have great hopes for fullerenes.
The importance of this discovery is that until that time, scientists were aware only of three modifications of carbon - diamond, graphite and carbyne. The new molecule cuts diamond as oil, slows down the growth of cancer cells, and substances from fullerenes can slow down the activity of the AIDS virus. The discovery of the fullerene was a real breakthrough in nanotechnology and was declared a sensation of the 20th century.
The energy embodied within the Shungite ancient stone is said to absorb and eliminate anything that is a health hazard to human life, and it has active metaphysical properties with strong healing powers. It is a powerful stone which will also shield you from the electromagnetic radiation given off by electrical equipment, including computers, mobile phones, microwaves and televisions.
Researchers of Shungite have also shown that direct contact of the stone with the human body ensures relief from pain and relief from a number of serious illnesses - especially of the musculoskeletal system, any skin deceases, and contributes to a rapid healing of cuts, etc. Shungite water has also been used long ago to treat skin illnesses.
Shungite is:
• A natural antioxidant that can increase human immunity with regards to many serious illnesses and suppress the development of many allergic diseases
• A sorbent, purifying air and water from many organic and inorganic compounds and from excess of free radicals.
• A catalyst, which ensures decomposition of organic substances sorbed and restoration of the sorption properties
• A carrier of wide range of microelements and biologically active substances, intensifying biological processes in the bodies of human beings and animals
• A material, actively interacting with electromagnetic fields of different nature (anthropogenic high-frequency, solar, geo-pathogenic, biofields) and neutralizing their negative impact
Shungite possesses:
• Adsorptive activity, the ability to absorb substances from the environment
• Bactericidal action
• High level of adhesion, the ability to connect with any substance
• Anti-inflammatory and anti-histaminic effects
• Radio shield properties
• Electro-conductivity
• Ability to absorb oxygen, actively interact with it at the room temperature in water and in the air
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